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Leveraging EPC Gallium Nitride Technology, EET’s SolMate® Reshapes Green Energy

The Austria-based Efficient Energy Technology GmbH (EET), a vanguard in innovative compact and efficient solar power systems designed for balcony spaces, has recently taken a decisive leap. In its relentless pursuit of technological forefront, EET integrated the EPC's enhancement-mode gallium nitride (eGaN®) power transistor, specifically the EPC2204, to elevate its flagship product, the SolMate® solar balcony system. This pivotal upgrade underscores not just the company's commitment to cutting-edge technology but also its meticulous quest for excellence. The EPC2204 emerges as a linchpin in this evolution, offering a sublime synergy of low RDS(on) and low COSS, thus catalyzing a substantial leap in performance for hard-switching applications. This strategic adoption transcends conventional benefits; it meticulously shrinks PCB size while concurrently mitigating EMI intricacies and bolstering voltage stability, thereby enhancing the system's overall performance and reliability.

In the intricate dance of innovation, EET has harmoniously synchronized EPC's gallium nitride devices with its own SolMate MPPT charging converter, engendering a notable escalation in performance. This amalgamation does not merely elevate efficiency; it propels it from 96% to a staggering 98%, while concurrently compacting the converter volume by 70%. The narrative continues with a notable reduction in BOM and manufacturing expenses by 20%, significantly alleviating thermal dissipation demands. This strategic pivot towards high-frequency switching technology not only circumvents the Achilles' heel of electrolytic capacitors but also prolongs equipment longevity. Such advancements render the SolMate® an unrivaled contender in reliability, economy, and efficiency in the marketplace.
EET's journey through the technological landscape extends beyond mere efficiency enhancements. The system's adept conversion of solar energy, coupled with reduced power consumption, amplifies green energy output substantially. Concurrently, the ingenious waterproof shell design diminishes reliance on thermal dissipation, empowering SolMate® to sustain optimal performance across diverse conditions. These monumental technological strides have garnered EET widespread acclaim and prestigious accolades, including the James Dyson Award and the German Sustainability Award. These honors not only illuminate the product's technical superiority but also affirm EET's leadership in sustainable energy.
Jan Senn, Chief Marketing Officer at EET, articulates the company's ethos with fervent clarity: "To furnish every home with simple, safe, and reliable green energy." This ambition is incarnated in the SolMate®, a fusion of superior quality, exemplary user experience, and pioneering design, delivering a sustainable daily life solution. The selection of GaN power devices is pivotal in this visionary quest, as EET continues to explore the amalgamation of EPC's GaN technology with diverse power converters, aiming to perpetually refine product performance and user experience.
On the collaborative horizon, Stefan Werkstetter, Vice President of Sales at EPC, shares his anticipation: "We are profoundly honored to have our eGaN FET EPC2204 chosen as a crucial component in EET's SolMate. Our commitment to delivering efficient, high-performance power conversion solutions resonates perfectly with EET's mission — to empower users with dependable renewable energy." This partnership not only symbolizes mutual advancement but also injects a surge of vitality into the realm of sustainable energy, promising an impactful and enduring legacy.